Maintenance tips

Written by Michael on 20 June 2017. Published in Le monde de l'art de la table, news.

How can you make your crystalware, vase, bowl or figurine radiant and clear again? How can you give it a new lease of life, or simply maintain it? we're here to give you our best advice.  We all know how difficult it can be to clean and look after glass and crystal.  So how can we make sure our glasses shine and sparkle again?  What are the secrets of looking after crystal?

You can give your crystal à new lease of life, and even make it look better than before.  Here are the different techniques you can use.

First, we strongly advise washing your objects by hand. Crystal is sensitive to extreme temperatures, so use lukewarm soapy water and a soft sponge, ensuring that the temperature is consistent. Avoid using anything rough or metallic sponges or buffers. Let the items drain, then dry them carefully using a soft, non-fluffy cloth.

We would not advise putting your glasses in the dishwasher. Instead we recommend that you wash them by hand. Using a dishwasher can cause damage due to varying levels of limescale in different areas, the temperature of the water and how abrasive the powder you use is.

The dishwasher can damage glassware and create a cloudy film on the surface. This is because the temperature of the water in the dishwasher is simply too high, and causes a chemical reaction. Your crystal can then lose its shine. Nowadays some glasses can be put in the dishwasher, but some precautions should be taken.

If you still want to wash your glasses in the dishwasher, here are some guidelines to follow:

Use the 'fragile' setting, specifically for crystal, at a moderate temperature.

Place them in the section reserved for delicate items, ensuring they are stable and not touching.

Use liquid detergent if possible, or a gel that is specifically for decorated or delicate items (like Baccarat's gentle care dishwasher detergent) and avoid dishwasher detergent tablets and 2-in-1 tablets (with salt in them). Make sure you use the recommended quantity.

Adjust the amount of salt in your machine depending on the amount of limescale in the water, to get a hardness level of between 5 and 8.

Open the door of the dishwasher as soon as the cycle has finished so that the steam doesn't circulate and settle, which can cause a build-up on the glass.

How can I get back the sparkle and natural shine of my crystal ware without using corrosive cleaning products?

These natural remedies will allow you to do just that, all while being environmentally friendly!

White vinegar

To remove limescale build-up, fill your glassware with white vinegar, either on its own or diluted with a little water.

If the marks are still there, clean the glasses with oil (the same as you would use on a salad) mixed with a bit of white vinegar.

Rubbing alcohol

For label marks, spots or stains try rubbing alcohol. Apply the alcohol onto a soft cloth and rub vigorously.

Coffee grounds

Whether it's a glass, carafe or a bowl, coffee grounds can help! Here's a simple and effective method:

First, put the coffee grounds into the item to be cleaned, and leave for around two to three hours. Remove and rinse with a mixture of water and vinegar.


Try a potato. It may seem strange, but this vegetable has magical powers when it comes to cleaning! This is because of its high starch content. There are two variations of this trick.

The first is to simply rub the crystal with a slice of raw potato.

The second is to fill your vase with potato skins then add water. This method takes longer, as you have to leave it for about two days.

Toothpaste for removing scratches from crystal

Dip a rolled-up cloth in toothpaste and rub it into the scratch using a circular motion. The scratches on the glass will then be less visible.

If there is still a cloudy film on your glassware, you should entrust your items to a specialist. Clouded crystal may require professional cleaning techniques and products. An oxalic acid bath will restore your glassware to its former glory.